Engaging Conversations | Inspiring Dialogue, Empowering Communities

#4 - Empowering Local Businesses: Passion, Challenges, and Community Connections

September 16, 2024 Ecolibrium Headquarters Pty Ltd | EcoHQ Episode 4

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What makes a local business truly thrive? In this episode, we uncover the secrets to business success through an inspiring conversation with Emmanuel Constantinou, President of the Bondi and District Chamber of Commerce and owner of Kwik Kopy Bondi Junction. Emmanuel's journey, driven by a family legacy in the print industry, reveals the heartbeat of local business culture—passion, family environment, and customer engagement. You'll learn about the critical role of the Chamber in not only advocating for local businesses but also in building connections within the Waverley area to ensure a vibrant and supportive community.

Explore the unique challenges businesses face in Bondi and Waverley, from the endearing quirk of ubiquitous yoga mats to the more pressing issues of parking and construction disruptions. Lessons that can be shared and applied throughout all local business communities.

Hear Emmanuel discuss how the Chamber works tirelessly to mediate between the council and business owners to alleviate these disruptions. Discover how the Chamber's initiatives, such as the annual International Women's Day event, are pivotal in supporting and empowering women in leadership roles and creating a more inclusive and dynamic business environment.

The episode also delves into the impact of COVID-19 on business communication, urging a return to more personal and meaningful interactions to maintain genuine connections within the community. Emmanuel shares invaluable advice for young entrepreneurs on correctly structuring their businesses and leveraging local resources like the Chamber of Commerce. This episode is a call to action for business owners and local officials to join their local Chamber of Commerce, building a thriving community built on solid business relationships and an inspired entrepreneurial spirit.

Connect with Emmanuel by visiting https://www.bondichamber.com.au/ or contacting us at EcoHQ.com.au for assistance locating a local Chamber of Commerce near you.

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Leon Goltsman:

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, wherever you are, and welcome back to Engaging Conversations, the podcast, where we dive into the stories that not only inspire but also offer real-world insights from leaders in business and the community. I'm your host, eon Goldsman, co-founder of Ecolibrium Headquarters, and today's episode is proudly brought to you by Lake Mac Business and Focus, because supporting those who uplift our community is something we can all get behind right Now. I'm especially excited about today's interview. It's a little different from what we've done before. Instead of the usual office or studio setting, today we're sitting in a quiet local establishment. It's not just an interview. It's more like two friends having a real, authentic chat about the important and interesting matters that shape our local business world. You'll hear the natural energy of the space, capturing what it truly feels like to be in the heart of a thriving community. And I couldn't have a better guest for this kind of conversation.

Leon Goltsman:

Emmanuel Constantinou is not only the president of the Bondi and District Chamber of Commerce, but also the owner of Kwik Kopy Bondi Junction. He's been a champion for local business, guiding them through economic challenges, disruptive street upgrades and the everyday demands of work-life balance. By the time we're done, you'll not only be inspired to maybe start your own business, but also feel a stronger connection to your local business community. Emmanuel's story is a reminder of the power of local connections and perseverance, and I can't wait for you to hear his insights. So, without further ado, let's get into it. Hey, emmanuel, it's really good to see you. Mate. Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Thank you very much for having me on this podcast.

Leon Goltsman:

Well, mate, we were actually thinking about who can we get that understands business, understands people, but also somebody who does what you do for the right reasons.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yes, of course, I'm happy to share some of my insights and knowledge of what I've achieved and what I've done within the Waverley area, not only as the owner of Kwik Kopy Bondi, but also the president of the Bondi District Chamber of Commerce.

Leon Goltsman:

I think the mark of a true successful person is the success that other people achieve because of you, and I certainly think that you've got a lot of accolades in that department.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yeah, so one of the things that the Chamber does is we are the voice of our businesses within Waverley and as their voice, I mean it's important for us to be able to identify how we can best help them and solve their issues in their life running a business in Waverley. Sometimes it's tougher for some and others, but overall, I mean our job is to advocate, connect and help them grow within the area.

Leon Goltsman:

Yeah, and you're fine with business. People think, oh look, it's only business, it's not personal, it is personal, business is personal.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

So, yeah, absolutely, I think you're right there by saying that, because businesses are the livelihoods of people that own them. They've invested all their money. In some cases, some of them have got loans on their homes, so it's important for them to be able to put all their heart and soul in running a business. And sometimes it's hard and they get a little bit tied up in the mundane things that they have to do each day, day in, day out, running their own businesses. The mundane things that they have to do each day and day in, day out running their own businesses, facing the issues, the problems, inflation, all that sort of stuff that comes with running a business. But you know, we're the body that supports and creates those policies and helps those, that helps these business owners to connect them and connect them with people that they need to, you know, obviously, to ensure that they get the best benefit for what they do in their businesses every day, and I know that your journey into business has been quite inspiring.

Leon Goltsman:

Can you just share what led you to start your own business and eventually become the owner of Kwik Kopy Bondi Junction?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yeah, I mean, what encouraged me to start my own business was the legacy of my father. I'm actually the fifth generation in print in the family, so for me it was in the livelihood of our blood, of me taking on the print industry and really embracing it, but embracing it with change. There's been a lot of involvement in the print industry and, and that was important for me and what my excitement was is, you know, just to create that passion and really drive that passion into my business and creating a family environment with my workers yeah, and certainly it's not just for the workers.

Leon Goltsman:

I noticed you're the family environments also, with your customers. I pop in. I can see people. They walk in there, they're spending money with you, they're giving work and yet they feel good about it. Yeah, and and that to me is is a. I can see why you become a flagship store in the network. You know when people come to you, give money to you and are actually happy about that, you know you're doing something right yeah, that's totally true.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Totally true because, I mean, our job is to help entrepreneurs make a mark on their world, and with that it's bringing their dreams and making them come to life. So their investment is so crucial for us to ensure that we're delivering the right mechanisms, the right processes and the right outcome to make sure that they can brand themselves better out there what lessons have you learned along the way that other aspiring entrepreneurs should take note of over your years?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

the lessons I I've learned in business is to never stop thinking about the next step and the things that you need to do in business to ensure that you're embracing it. Maintaining connections, talking to customers and talking to your staff are the first key reasons of ensuring that the engagement is happening, that talking to each other to ensure that we're communicating correctly. Communication is the key ingredient that makes any business tick in the right direction.

Leon Goltsman:

Well, you mentioned staff, but then there's also rents and unpredictable economic climate. That can be tough for any business owner. How do you personally manage these aspects, and what advice would you have for other business owners facing similar challenges today?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Absolutely. I mean, there's a lot of challenges in a lot of businesses at the moment because after COVID it's actually created an opportunity where businesses really didn't know what we were getting ourselves into Now. Covid was an interesting obstacle that actually created a massive deterrence to business owners, not knowing what they needed to do next and they were forced to work from home and they were forced, absolutely so.

Leon Goltsman:

If you've got restaurants and service industry who are counting on people to walk through those doors, they're not there. Yeah, and they've still got to pay rent.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And the challenges these businesses face, they face them every day. In some cases they were getting released from certain structures such as the rent from the landlords and so on. But obviously, admiring, I mean council offered obviously a relief plan per month to try and support the business.

Leon Goltsman:

But I also remember many offered obviously a relief plan per month to try and support the business. But I also remember many of the businesses being on council at the time. They'd be ringing us and saying what can you do? I mean, look, we've done a few initiatives, not just with council but also individually, to help people. But if you've got a good leader, that will always find a way.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Absolutely. I totally agree with you, and I mean one of the things that we did is I didn't take it on my own strive to come up with solutions of how to solve everybody's problem out there. Our responsibility was to ensure that we provided the right pathway for businesses to understand, and the only way we're getting that information is working collaboratively with all the MPs, whether it was state, whether it was federal or local governments, to ensure that we're actually really getting the best information from our government departments to ensure our businesses knew, in somewhat way, what they needed to do to survive this plan of how to get out of COVID or how to embrace your business through the tail end of covert. Not to say that we aren't going through it. We're still going through it now, but we're I think we're a lot smarter, and businesses are smarter today than what they were.

Leon Goltsman:

Three or four years ago? Yeah, absolutely. And the other thing as well is, um, you know, one of the theme and and I love, I love talking to all different types of people from different industries but one of the themes, especially, um, a key takeaway from my previous podcast, I'm going to give a plug if you haven't heard it. It's uh, episode three excellent, you should go and hear it. But getting back to this one, uh, one of the theme is we're in it together, and certainly we are in it together, aren't we?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

oh, indeed, I mean one of the things that the Chamber does is embrace that connectivity between all the departments and making sure that we are all in this together, all right.

Leon Goltsman:

As President of the Chamber of Commerce, how do you manage these hurdles and what advice can you give to other businesses about effectively navigating council processes?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

to other businesses about effectively navigating council processes. Yeah, one of the things that the Chamber can do to support business owners, or at least provide them with effective information, navigating them through those processes, is the reduction of red tape. I mean, you know council plays a big role in ensuring it's delivering its initiatives to the community as a whole, and that also includes the business community. The chamber plays an important role as a regulator to ensure that you know what council is doing and delivering within its community, that it actually works in the best interest of the business owners and the business itself. And Bondi, as you said, you know it's renowned around the world as one of the best beaches around the world, so, and as the as an incubator for startups, we must have figured that we have a lot of people entering our town here and and and waverley as a whole.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Waverley as a whole is is is important that we continue to embrace uh more, further opportunities of how we can make Bondi a better place for all people to come in and start a business.

Leon Goltsman:

Well, I've noticed as well. Yoga mats are almost everywhere. It's almost like if you don't have a yoga mat, you can't walk into a shop. They won't let you. That's true.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

That's almost like a pass to get in.

Leon Goltsman:

I swear. I reckon half those people don't even do yoga. They just get it just so they can get a good coffee. That's so true. But look, the other thing as well is parking, and parking has been an ongoing issue. But not only that. What adds to it is ongoing construction in the Waverley area and that's often raised as significant issues by both business owners and residents. Now we know you need to have some inconvenience, and sometimes it could be called or referred to as the bitter pill. However, you know it's about managing it properly, and that can be debatable. What is properly?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

so you know what role has the Chamber of Commerce played in trying to resolve issues that people complain about and what progress has been made so far yeah, one of the roles that the chamber has played in an issue where parking and streetscapes have created a lot of congestion in, you know, with workable materials or workable machinery to fix up the roads, has taken away a lot of parking.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

I mean, we understand that parking is an important part within Waverley and how important it plays, and I know that we always run out of car parks. But at the end of the day, I mean one of the things of car parks, but at the end of the day, I mean one of the things and key facts that the role the chamber plays is that connection and the communication between ensuring that council is working in the best interest of the business community at all times, liaising with all the officers to ensure that the businesses aren't being crucified by the time and the disruptions that what they're causing and in some cases it's a little bit, you know this is I'm not going to put it all on council, because it's not just councils, also the construction workers that are building the roads, ensuring they're the right fit for the right purpose.

Leon Goltsman:

Can you do you recall anything over the past couple of months where if you're a shop owner and you're actually, you're actually serving food? How does construction affect the business owners in that sense?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Construction affects business owners.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

When there is lots of dust and works that have, like you know, it's very simple Whenever there is construction work happening in the roads, during those times of constructions happening, residents and people in the local community tend to stay away from those areas because it's inconvenient, they don't have a place to park to pick up food, and that actually affects business owners and businesses that actually outlay a lot of money on stock, on staff, to not know on that day what is actually going to happen.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

That's going to affect their business until they enter the day. And then, once they enter it, they go. My God, I've got 15 staff and I've got no one walking in my door to buy my products. That really hurts them, of course. So it's important and the Chamber plays that role in making sure that the level of complexity between what they need and what they want is actually mitigated correctly to ensure the outcome is in the best interest of the business owners, but also our community as well well, we know that in Bondi there's only several great profitable weeks maybe I don't know how many.

Leon Goltsman:

It depends on the shops, but it's not throughout the whole year. Yes, because a lot of it is to do with seasonal and weather.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Absolutely, because we've had some obviously poor falls on weather and weather delays things, and I mean unfortunately you can't, but not just construction.

Leon Goltsman:

People don't want to go out, that's right, or if they do, they're certainly not going to go out and sit outside dining. No, outside in, um, you know, outside dining or no, so, but but one of the things as well that the chamber is renowned for is, uh, organizing events, and I know that you have organized many, many successful events and initiatives for local businesses. So, emmanuel, the question is, um, can you just talk us through some of those most impactful projects that you've been involved in, I suppose, and perhaps some of the outcomes you've seen?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I can talk about one specific event that we run every year on the Chamber of Commerce, and that is International Women's Day, and a very important event that actually embraces women in the workforce and also leaders and women in leadership roles, and we thought that this is a very important part in the development of women in business. So the Chamber has embraced that, and every year we run a very successful event that embraces women, and embraces not only women, but men can also attend these events. I don't think I've missed one.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

No, you haven't actually, which is really good, and you've actually seen some of the effects of what this has had, not just on the day, but the effects afterwards. Yeah, absolutely, and what that legacy leads for a lot of these women, especially because we've got a panelist that comes and talks and we are very specific, based on topic, because every year that topic changes and one of the things that we do is to ensure that we really emphasize the importance of why we should group together and really have discussions and talks about what are some of their issues and what are some of the issues women are facing in business, whether it's bullying, whether it's, you know, putting them down or, you know, making them feel vulnerable at times but they shouldn't be, you know.

Leon Goltsman:

We should all be treated the same in business yeah, look, I think most of what we're actually and I think I've made that point in the past is that when we're helping others, we're actually helping ourselves. We're strengthening the community, not just for the people we're trying to help, but we're actually helping ourselves. We're strengthening the community not just for the people we're trying to help, but we're actually making it better, for there's a byproduct. As business owners and community leader, we get to see all sorts of different types of personalities, but I'm intrigued, emmanuel, because out of everybody, you seem to maintain an admirable work balance.

Leon Goltsman:

And I know some people get very stressed, I know, and we all have our moments. We can all be culprits of that. Yeah, I know, I know, but, um, but you seem to juggle your business, your family life, your community responsibilities so effectively and I'm just wondering, you know, if you wanted to share some of your little secrets sure I mean sometimes they're saying you shouldn't tell everybody the ingredients you put in the food to be able to tell them to get the outcome of a good product.

Leon Goltsman:

Yeah, but if you don't tell them, they're going to try and make it up.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

As the leader of the business community. Yes, I need to tell the story a little bit, but no, look, some of the things that I've done in my life is. One of the important thing is to ensure that you've got the right people on your whether it's on your board or within your business to ensure that you can do your job right. Everybody has a responsibility. Within a business or a chamber of commerce, being a non-for-profit, we have a board of 12 people and each person's responsible for certain aspects, and then we report to each other. One person can never do everything and it's important to have the right balance and create a culture within your people. Not one person can do everything. We have to share the burden and it's important to find the right fit for the right people, but the people that will actually help you transition.

Leon Goltsman:

This one one of the things as well that I've noticed you can have the most capable people, but sometimes you might just have one and whatever it is, it could be a family burden, it could be um depression. If you're not helping those people, then, um, in a way, you're letting them down and then the whole team strength. You're only as strong as your weakest link, and so you know, we need to know what it is.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Identify that link yes, and one of the things that I've, one of the things that I've done is is, you know, embrace passion. My responsibility, and because I've got so much passion for the business community, is I love seeing and helping people achieve high goals and to do that it's important that you're there embracing it, ensuring that you're delivering it, and walking and holding their hand along the way. Satisfaction that you get out of that when you see someone achieve a goal that they wouldn't have been able to do on their own but by me helping them, by providing them that happiness, that smile that I leave behind, is more than what you can ever achieve in anything in business.

Leon Goltsman:

Yeah, well, I think passion is a huge contributor. But I've always thought, and I still do, that passion, it's almost like passion gets you to the starting block. But life is hard, it's challenging and it's meant to be to some degree. But what keeps you going is the purpose, and I think communicating or helping people identify what their purpose is, even if the passion is some days is not there. Because, let me tell you, you know, some days, if you trip or if you're expecting something and things don't work out, the passion sometimes might dissipate for a short while. But if you've got a purpose that drives you, that continues you to keep going, I couldn't agree more.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

There's. There has to be a purpose in what we do every day and purpose is a very powerful word and the purpose of what we do every day is helping people, you know, make a mark on their world. And that is very important in our, in our aspect, especially from a Kwik Kopy perspective, because that's part of our slogan. And at the end of the day, I'm rubbing some of that into the Chamber of Commerce to try and help some of these business owners make a mark on their world, absolutely. And how are they marking?

Leon Goltsman:

it by providing them the purpose. You know, emmanuel, just talking to you now makes, I know, between between you and I would probably know, you know they say what is it? Four degrees separation, I think, between you and I. It's like one and three quarters, if that, if that. So we do know quite a lot of people between the two of us. I think it's actually, you know, we, I'm sure, if we ask most people, one of them is going to know somebody who's going to know somebody who's going to know us. Yes, but but having said that, the reason why I brought that up is because we know a lot of people who do things because of their purpose and I think you and I should talk to them and get them on our show one of these days.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

I think that would be a lovely idea, actually, and in fact, some of these people would love to do a podcast and talk about some of their experiences and what they've achieved in their lives and how the Chamber has helped them.

Leon Goltsman:

Do you know what we could do? We can make a list. We can ask those people first to make sure they're happy with it. And yeah, let's get a little bio offer and then put it on either the show notes or just put it on the website. I think that'd be great. Actually, people can vote.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Local leader business. We'll work it out Something like that.

Leon Goltsman:

I'm sure two creative minds can think of something smart. I'm sure we can. Now we both work closely with elected officials and political figures to advocate for business-friendly policies. But you, emmanuel, but you deal with them from a different perspective. Can you share some of those most significant outcomes you've achieved through these efforts and what future issues you are currently focused on addressing?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yes, we have worked very closely with elected officials. One of the things that the Chamber of Commerce has done here in Waverley is that we've always embraced bringing the officials whether it's ministers or whether it's the Prime Minister of Australia at the time, and we've had many events where we've called these officials.

Leon Goltsman:

We've had a couple of prime ministers of course we had five in five years. It only feels like two years, but anyway, um, but but you know what, what the media report and what. When you hear it straight from the horse's mouth, you realise the real issues that are going on and it's fundamental that people are represented. You know.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

I couldn't agree more, actually, in fact, the one thing that you've just said, then, is just you know, obviously, the people being represented Government officials are there to represent our community and they're there to support us in many ways that people don't know. These people are facing policies and they're obviously part of their portfolios, but they're also facing elections too, of course, of course, and I get that. We're in the thick of the elections and, of course, if you haven't elected this Saturday, you've got to go and elect and just make sure that you do and federal politics is just around the corner, so we're gonna see a lot of things.

Leon Goltsman:

But this is why I think it's really important to report back to them you know whether it's a submission or whether it's getting Because if there is some kind of a forum somewhere, we want to get a seat at the table. Oh, couldn't agree more and not just us. I mean, yeah, I could sit at the table. I couldn't agree more and not just us. I mean, yeah, I could sit at the table, maybe, but what am I going to sit at the table, on the table under the table? It makes no difference. What we want is we want to come with something that's substantial, that we've got reports, documents and we're coming in with a voice for our community. We're coming in with something that's going to represent the needs and what the people are asking for.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yeah, I couldn't agree. Actually, a very true statement. The one thing that I have embraced is the importance of MPs and government officials, that we connect them with the local business community. That's true.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

And connect them so they can feel and embrace the real meaningful of what the purpose of these businesses need. Businesses always are looking for opportunities of how they can run their businesses better. You know, how do we get more people into the area, how can we advocate for them better? And surprisingly, one of the things the Chamber does well is connect those businesses with government officials, and we've done that very successfully.

Leon Goltsman:

Well, the other thing as well is, not everybody has access to an MP. It's not often that you walk outside, catch the ferry and guess who comes out of it the Prime Minister, or the Prime Minister catching the bus, as we had with the former Prime Minister, malcolm Turnbull. But not everyone's like that. So if we've got a Prime Minister who's based in Melbourne or Queensland or wherever, the chances of running into him is buckles to none. So you've got the opportunity to connect with your local chambers. So you've got the opportunity to connect with your local chambers, who in turn, could connect with their local representatives and make their way like that, so they could actually get through to the Prime Minister. Absolutely.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

I couldn't agree more. The one thing that I will say is the Chamber of Commerce is the voice of businesses, which is the connecting dots of getting them in front of local government bodies right. The chambers play an important role to ensure that we're delivering the right initiatives, connecting people, ensuring that we're driving a stronger economy within our community. Business owners do need help. All of them do and most cases, some need it more than others but look, I think everybody, everybody can be helped.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

I think people it's not just being their voice, but people want a chance to speak and to be heard that's right and and one of the things that we it's a Chamber of Commerce does is we do that very successfully and that is connect them together to help and support the business community. One of the things that I do quite regularly is meet with government officials quite regularly on a monthly basis. Yes, because every month, policies are changing. Things have changed, right, things change all the time and it's important that I embrace what change is happening so I can communicate some changes so fast that even they can't keep up with it. Yeah, it's sometimes that happens, right, but at the end of the day, what we wouldn't.

Leon Goltsman:

Importance to do is so fast that even they can't keep up with it.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yeah, sometimes that happens, right, but at the end of the day, what we what's important to do is to ensure that owners understand they understand what needs to be done. We can't all have the perfect ingredient to run a business in a territory we're not sure of, but with the right people and the right surroundings and the right connectivity between the government officers, whether it's council, whether it's MPs, councillors all that sort of stuff supporting the local business community only, can have one outcome a better community for all, and this is grassroots stuff.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Of course it is Business 101.

Leon Goltsman:

Emmanuel, look, if we were to take a glimpse in the future, let's look into the future, right? What are your goals for both Kwik Kopy Bondi Junction and the Bondi and District Chamber of Commerce?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

One of the goals that I have within my business, Kwik Kopy and also the Chamber, is to do and be the best I can to support our business community to be able to bring people's dreams and create them and make them come to life.

Leon Goltsman:

Yeah, but what you're also doing is you're sparking an interest, You're creating curiosity and you're making people. Well, you're not making people, but you're inspiring people to want to go out there and do something.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

I agree with you. I'm very passionate of what I do every day in my business, whether it's my working within my Kwik Kopy business or whether it's actually being the president, the chamber. The satisfaction I get in ensuring that I am passionate, delivering the purpose and helping these people really have a better outcome in their business when they couldn't have been able to do that before on their own and one of the things that I do is it gives me great satisfaction seeing that I'm really doing everything I can to help people. That purpose, that real importance of helping people, is one of the things that I love doing every day of my life.

Leon Goltsman:

Look, you certainly are living up to that. And look, how do you envision continuing to support local businesses as the area grows and changes?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Because there always is. There will always be obstacles, but I feel that the most important thing that we can continue doing that will help people and businesses is continue talking to each other. I think the first thing where something can go wrong is the day that no owner speaks up about their issues and their problems.

Leon Goltsman:

That's the first point of being able to receive some help is understanding what their issues are and how we, as the voice of businesses, can help them, and that is why having this program I mean this was the reason why my team and I have um have put this podcast together engaging conversations, because I think the world could be a better place if more people were talking yeah, I agree.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

I think with covet and stuff like that and working from home, a lot of people have switched from their face-to-face connection to now everything's typing or text messaging or stuff like that, which is becoming very impersonal and in fact it doesn't deliver the right emotion when you're doing that.

Leon Goltsman:

Well, you've got predictable text. That's true. I wasn't going to say that, but know I'm running out of time, I'll just send it anyway.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yeah, exactly so how does that help you and and and, to deliver that motive? So I mean the. The best thing that business owners and the community can do is keep talking to each other and stop and get off those social media posts and all the rest of it. I'm not saying not to social media posts for your advertisement, your business, but you don't need to do that to talk to each other. I think it's important that people embrace that emotion.

Leon Goltsman:

Well, I think what's really important is um to sometimes even pick up the phone the old-fashioned way or send a card, especially if it's somebody's birthday or if it's um. You know, people I find are so time poor that when they're sending birthday greetings they don't even write the full word anymore, it's just hb yeah, I know it's it's like what does that mean?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

you know to the general people?

Leon Goltsman:

I mean a lot of people would know, because I know well it is their birthday, so I'm sure they'll put one and one and one together to make three but uh that's true, no, but, but the point is is that some things you just can't rush, you need to take your time, and the other thing about having engaging conversations is you can read people's body like you can. You can feel their energy that you just don't do anymore via social media yeah, I agree.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Uh, one of the things that I've wanted to always advocate and, through covet, obviously that broke the system where people stopped getting together and I think, at the end of us coming out of the lockdown scenario, it was hard to break the habits of what people created during that period and that is isolation, and isolation was a massive problem because that created a lot of mental health issues for a lot of people that are still facing these issues today?

Leon Goltsman:

Well, these are serious challenges, but how should local businesses position themselves to take advantage of opportunities?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Some of the things that businesses can do to take opportunities is A connect with your local Chamber of Commerce to ensure that you're getting the best value as the voice of businesses. Connect with your local chamber of commas to ensure that you're getting the best value as the voice of businesses. Connect with your councils and ensure that your business heartbeat is on check, whether it's compliance, whether it's all the regulatory things that you need to have within your business to make sure that everything's correct. Once you've done that, then there's no reason why your business wouldn't be successfully running in an environment where it can run and provide you that ability to be able to grow your business in that area.

Leon Goltsman:

Emmanuel, what advice would you give to young entrepreneurs? The?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

advice that I can give to young entrepreneurs and emerging business owners who are just starting business owners who are just starting is to make sure that you do all your aspects correctly in organizing your business affairs making sure that your structures are correct, making sure that you're compliant, and to ensure that you connect with the right bodies, with the right industries and the right government officials to ensure that you're getting them the information you need to better run your business. These people will provide you all the information you need to be able to actually organize and run your business better than what you could do it on your own, surrounding yourself with good people.

Leon Goltsman:

It's a brand new sort of people that have great knowledge of the local area which is very important, and, of course, it provides you with good networking opportunities, builds resilience, leverages community support and everything else.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

And getting people talking again, which is the most important thing.

Leon Goltsman:

Well, we're doing that, you know, we're doing it. Yeah, emmanuel, look, we're finally coming towards the end of this segment. Of course, we could talk and continue talking, because there's always a lot to talk about, but if we were, if I was going to ask you, if you could leave our listeners, especially local government officials and business owners, with one key message or a call to action, what would it be?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

The one thing that I'd like to leave that is very important with the key message on that, or a call to action, is to ensure that if you haven't had the opportunity of joining your local chamber of commerce is to. First step is join it.

Leon Goltsman:

Okay. Then my next question to you and I think you know what it's going to be see, if you can ask that question what, what?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

is where would they go to actually join the membership of the Chamber of Commerce? Yes, but how? How would they? It's very simple they just need to hop onto our website, wwwbondychambercomau, and go and join the membership.

Leon Goltsman:

What if they want to come to an event and don't want a membership? Can they still?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

do it. Of course they can. Members or non-members can still attend events. The difference is members get a little bit more benefits, such as sponsorship opportunities, opportunities to speak at events, be spotlighted on our EDMs and we've got 6,000 on our database so the message gets out there.

Leon Goltsman:

Some people may not know what an EDM is.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Electronic Delivery Mail System. So basically an email that is an advertisement of what's going out, with some information all about yourself, excellent.

Leon Goltsman:

So it's upcoming events.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

So upcoming events that are coming up. I mean, we've got some major events other than your local get-togethers, networking and stuff. And we've got one actually tonight down at one of our businesses who are as a member of the Chamber of Commerce, which is why the benefits of becoming a member we get to then run events at your venue. But Christmas is around the corner and we also have our local business. I've heard that one before.

Leon Goltsman:

Yeah, I know.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

And the Chamber puts on an incredible Christmas function for our business community and a business, not just for businesses that are members, but also for non-members that are following us. But at the end of the day, we're there. We've got business awards around the corner, which is something that the Chamber does in collaboration with Waverley Council to acknowledge the highlights of some of the exceptional businesses that are doing so well out there.

Leon Goltsman:

So we've seen a lot of councils do that. It's not just Waverley, I know Lake Macquarie also do that. But the idea is, irrespective of what council or where they are, what's the benefits for a business to actually participate in these award nights?

Emmanuel Constantinou:

Yeah, the benefits of businesses getting involved is to really emphasise their achievements throughout the year, the highlights of what they've done within their businesses, to make sure that they are rewarded by the outcomes and provided with a certificate and a trophy that actually really makes them feel, you know, a little trophy that actually sits in their business, them feel, you know, that's a little trophy that actually sits in their business, that really identifies them as a leader in what they have achieved in their business rather. Yet it leaves a perception of people saying, wow, these people have got a trophy that shows their achievement of what they've achieved throughout the year. And I'd like to be part of that process and become part of that achievement. Well, by entering that business and getting whether it's a haircut or whether it's getting some solicitor work or legal work or anything but seeing a trophy like that is a real testament of that business achieving its goals throughout the year.

Leon Goltsman:

Well, emmanuel, fantastic. What a great chat to you. Now let's go to the pub no, I'm kidding and support our local businesses. Maybe I'm not kidding. No, look. Putting all that aside, emmanuel, it's always nice to catch up and thank you for all the great work that you do.

Emmanuel Constantinou:

No, thank you. It's really an honour to be here and to represent the voice of businesses and including a little bit of a story about my life and what I've done running Kwik Kopy, bondi Junction and a successful business. But thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to obviously speak up a little bit and I'm really looking forward to seeing this podcast. Thank you, lovely to see you, my friend. Thank you very much, thank you.

Leon Goltsman:

Okay, now we're back in our studio, and a special thank you to you you our listeners for joining us on today's engaging conversations. I hope you found today's conversation with Emmanuel as inspiring and insightful as I did. One key takeaway is how crucial it is to be connected and represented through your local chamber of commerce. Local businesses are the lifeblood of our communities, and supporting them, whether by being an advocate or by making use of their services, makes all the difference. If you'd like to connect with Emmanuel, you'll find his contact details in the show notes, and if you're curious on how to get in touch with your own local chamber of commerce, head over to wwwecohqcomau for links that can point you in the right direction. Hqcomau for links that can point you in the right direction.

Leon Goltsman:

Next week, I'm excited to introduce you to another special guest, danielle Howe, an experienced people and culture leader with over 20 years of expertise driving organisational success through innovative people strategies across multiple industries. Danielle is a true authority in recruitment, employee engagement and community development. Her approach is strategic and deeply empathetic, and she understands the unique challenges faced today, especially in regional areas where local jobs are the cornerstone of personal and community well-being. Her wealth of expertise makes her the perfect guest to explore the ever-changing dynamics of the workforce and how businesses can adapt and thrive. Trust me, you won't want to miss this one, and if you haven't already, I'd love to ask you for a small favor. Please take a moment to give us a five-star review on your favorite podcast platform. It really does help us reach more listeners and keep delivering conversations that matter. Please feel free to connect, share your thoughts and let us know what's resonating with you. Until next time, stay engaged, stay connected and let's continue making a difference together.

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